Healthy foods, entering the male body, can positively affect the health of internal organs and systems, including the health of the male reproductive system.
By eating healthy foods every day, men can protect their immunity, increase the level of testosterone in the blood, saturate the body with essential minerals and vitamins.
Useful products for men
There are many products that improve overall men's health, including:
A product that is a leader among the most useful products for male health. Shellfish contain a high level of organic zinc, amino acids (activate testosterone hormone production and increase male sexual desire (libido). Oysters are best eaten raw, as heat treatment of shellfish "kills" asignificant amount of nutrients.

To enhance the taste of shellfish, it will be necessary to allow lemon juice, which is customary to water the dish before use.
Eating oysters should not be constant, scientists have proven that eating oysters can lead to various diseases due to their high mercury content. Men with liver disease, low immunity, diabetes, or low acidity should avoid eating raw oysters.
A very healthy and tasty fish, capable of increasing the work of the male genital organs, as well as filling the body with the necessary vitamin complex. Plaice contains a high level of amino acids, vitamins A, E, B, trace elements and zinc. In order to preserve all the nutrients of the fish, it must be stewed in a water bath, boiled or stewed. Plaice is useful for men who play sports, since the fish of this species is a dietary dish.
Cooked mackerel retains the required amount of omega fatty acids (omega-3, omega-6), which favorably affect the production of testosterone hormone. Boiled mackerel increases male potency and improves overall health. Indeed, mackerel contains phosphorus, iodine and proteins, which are the "constructor" of sperm.
Turnip belongs to the list of the main products that improve male potency and have a beneficial effect on the digestive system. Turnip is rich in vitamins and trace elements that boost male immunity and accelerate the production of the hormone testosterone.
Oddly enough, but turnips also have contraindications, the vegetable is contraindicated for men who have inflammatory processes in the intestines, hepatitis and CNS disorders.
Meat products are considered high-energy foods that increase thyroxine production. The hormone thyroxine supports the hormonal background of the male body. In addition, the meat is dominated by trace elements that help solve potency problems. The most useful meat for men is beef, horse meat, turkey, chicken fillet and rabbit meat. In order for the meat to retain all its beneficial properties, cook it in a water bath or stew it with herbs and vegetables.
To be healthy, men should eat nuts every day. Walnuts are very useful for potency, they contain vitamins B, E, as well as zinc and magnesium. All the beneficial substances contained in walnuts have a beneficial effect on the male reproductive system and help eliminate "aggressive" substances from the body.
Essential nuts for men's health: cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts and peanuts. For the body to get the most benefit from nuts, they should be eaten raw or dried.
Men should pay special attention to pine and nutmeg. Pine nuts strengthen the male reproductive system. And nutmeg should be used with caution, since nuts of this type in large proportions can cause poisoning and even pose a risk of death.
Seafood for men
Seafood is aphrodisiac. It is especially important to eat shrimp, crayfish, mussels and squid. These products contain zinc and selenium, increase libido and improve potency. Seafood should be cooked with minimal heat treatment.
Chocolate helps to increase male libido, improve mood, and antioxidants that are part of chocolate have a positive effect on the functioning of the male sexual organ. Dark chocolate, which contains at least 67% cocoa, is particularly beneficial.
People with liver disease and pancreatic problems should use chocolate with caution, especially with artificial fillers and low cocoa content (less than 65%).
Even astronauts eat dates; a person can live on dates alone for more than 1-2 months. Men should diversify their usual diet with dates, since dates help prolong sexual intercourse and improve the quality of sperm, in addition, they saturate the body with amino acids.
Quail eggs
Quail eggs are important to add to the diet of men who have problems with potency. This product increases sexual desire, it contains phosphorus and iron. Quail eggs should be eaten raw, on average you need to drink 3-4 eggs per day.
Also, quail eggs have contraindications for people who have problems (diseases) with the kidneys and liver.
chicken eggs
Chicken eggs do not contain as many nutrients as quail eggs, they can be eaten raw, but with caution. After all, fresh eggs carry infectious diseases. For a man, chicken eggs are useful in boiled form or, like an omelet with onions, such dishes have a beneficial effect on the genitals of men.
Various berries and fruits
Berries and fruits contain many vitamins and useful substances that can strengthen the immune system and increase male potency. Fruits and berries contain antioxidants that can slow down the aging of body cells. Useful fruits and berries for men: strawberries, blackberries, sea buckthorn, raspberries, bananas, grapes, apples and a variety of citrus fruits.

Fresh juice for men
Fresh saturates the body with essential vitamins and nutrients that are vital for men's health. Pomegranate juice is recognized as the most useful juice. It improves blood circulation and blood flow to the pelvic organs and also strengthens the circulatory system.
Freshly squeezed juices against potency problems:
- Pumpkin juice increases male strength, and its high zinc content restores the normal functioning of the entire reproductive system.
- Celery juice increases the production of the hormone testosterone, improves the overall health of men.
- Watermelon juice contains the amino acid citrulline, which improves blood circulation and positively affects the health of the vascular-cardiac system.
Ginger contains vitamins A, B, C, amino acids, minerals and trace elements that heal the entire cardiovascular system, thin the blood, strengthen blood vessels and eliminate toxins from the body.
Not everyone can use ginger, people with certain diseases (stomach ulcers, gastritis, liver cirrhosis, biliary tract disease) should refuse ginger.
Products harmful to male health
Not all foods have a beneficial effect on the male body. Certain types of food can not only harm general well-being, but also disrupt the production of the hormone testosterone and reduce male sexual desire.
Foods a man should refuse to maintain his health and youth:
- Smoked products reduce testosterone production and have a toxic effect on internal organs.
- Alcohol negatively affects the functionality of the testicles and inhibits the production of male hormones.
- Soft drinks contain "chemical" sugar and caffeine, all these harmful substances dehydrate the human body.
- Flaxseed and soybean oils reduce the production of the male hormone testosterone.
- Yeast bakery products negatively affect men's health.
- Fast food contains "aggressive" substances and reduces testosterone production.
- Soy products. Soy contains the hormone phytoestrogen, which reduces male sexual vigor.
- Pizza, fries, crackers, mayonnaise, sauces and ketchups cause cholesterol to build up in the circulatory system.
- Instant coffee reduces the level of the hormone testosterone in the blood and also burdens the cardiovascular system.
- Cilantro in large proportions reduces potency, so cilantro is useful for men only in minimal portions.
- Excessive consumption of sugar and salt negatively affects the work of all internal organs, as well as male sexual potency.
Proper nutrition can maintain a man's excellent physiological and sexual health for many years.